The Machine Lab

To Provide The Tool of Mobility

The inception of The Machine Lab was fostered by a perceived niche. Our goal is to provide researchers, industry professionals, students, and hobbyists with the tool of mobility. We do this by providing extremely robust mechanical mobile platforms that reduce project man hours and shorten the time between concept and reality. Our platforms have no major integrated processors, sensors, or software to elevate cost, just a reliable mobile workhorse that is ready to go right out of the box.

To Go Anywhere

All of our platforms are invertible and highly capable of carrying large payloads through the roughest of terrain, and are designed to operate in many indoor and outdoor environments.

A Foundation for Development

The Machine Lab was started with the KISS principle in mind. Our goal is to start with the following fundamental idea: In order to solve real world problems with robots one must have the ability to interact with the three dimensional world around them. Many people have innovative ideas as to what they think a robot should be capable of. We feel that we can facilitate the growth and realization of those great ideas by offering a solid foundation for those who do not have the time or resources to fabricate a mechanical platform.

The Machine Lab intends to grow and change with the ideas that come our way. We are very interested in developing custom designs for custom applications. So if you have an idea or a problem to solve don't hesitate to contact us.

Call us today at (970) 568-9812

Here are just a few of our customers:
Government and Defense Software Companies Law Enforcement Educational

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space

General Dynamics

Applied Minds


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Glenn Research Center

BAE Systems

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Air Force Research Lab

Tenix Defense

US Army

US Navy





West Covina Swat Team

Arlington Police Department

Clovis Police Department

Greenfield Police Department

Metro Nashville Police Department

Leon County Sheriffs Dept.

Brevard County Sheriffs Dept.

Temple Terrace Police Dept.

Beloit Police Department

Alachua County Sheriffs Office


University of Calgary

University of Newcastle

University of Wyoming

University of Texas San Antonio

UC Riverside

University of Colorado

Michigan State University

University of Nevada

The Lewis Center for Educational Research

Ohio State University

Oregon State University

University of Florida

Minnesota State University

Prairie View A&M University